
Pop vs. Soda vs. Coke.  What Is It In Texas?
Pop vs. Soda vs. Coke. What Is It In Texas?
Pop vs. Soda vs. Coke. What Is It In Texas?
It's an argument that can keep the office buzzing for an hour or more, especially on Fridays.  And it's an important score to settle. How do you refer to soft drinks?  Pop, coke, soda, or something else?  Here's what most Texans say.
This is What Happens When You Mix Milk and Coke
This is What Happens When You Mix Milk and Coke
This is What Happens When You Mix Milk and Coke
This video is up to 4.2 million views now on Youtube.  My first thought was that things would probably get volatile and explode when milk and Coke are combined, but what actually happens is surprising.  And kinda gross! The video was posted in January, but for some reason there's a viral resurgence happening this week...