smart phone

Fear Losing Your Smart Phone?  There’s a Name For That.
Fear Losing Your Smart Phone? There’s a Name For That.
Fear Losing Your Smart Phone? There’s a Name For That.
Quick story.  I was shopping in the grocery store the other day and set my phone down in the restroom.  About 15 minutes later, I realized I didn't have my phone and I got that panicky feeling that hits when you imagine you might miss a text.  Yikes!
What is the Most Common Item Hotel Travelers Leave Behind?
What is the Most Common Item Hotel Travelers Leave Behind?
What is the Most Common Item Hotel Travelers Leave Behind?
Have you ever checked out of a hotel, traveled home, and then realized you left something behind in the room? I have. On a road trip to the north, my family stayed at a hotel in Wichita, Kansas, and when we got home we could only find one Dora The Explorer sock. In the process of jumping on the bed and running around the room, our 3-year old at the time must have shed a sock and a cleaning perso
Are You Addicted to Your Smart Phone?
Are You Addicted to Your Smart Phone?
Are You Addicted to Your Smart Phone?
I read that 20 percent of us check our smart phones every ten minutes. I hate to admit it, but I'm one of those helpless, pathetic addicts. I just can't stand not knowing what might be going on inside that phone as it sits there on my desk. Has someone sent a text? What new emails have just landed? Maybe I should check Facebook. Perhaps a celebrity couple has broken up....I should see. Stop