Get ready for the big game with a brand spanking new television! There's just something so delightful about hooking up a brand new tv. Especially one that's a huge upgrade from your previous one in both size and picture quality!
As someone who lives in a state that never gets a lot of snow, I'm always woefully unprepared for snow or temperatures dropping into the teens and 20s. Not this year though! I'm prepared and I've selected a few great options for making sure you stay cozy when you go out into the cold this season.
The Top-Rated Christmas Tree Storage Bag on Amazon
The box your Christmas tree came in isn't going to cut it anymore! Keep pests, dust and leaks from ruining your tree! Over 25,000 reviewers can't be wrong!
I love dumping out a stocking on Christmas morning or ripping into a holiday gift for my furry best friend! Whether you have a cat, a dog or a bearded dragon- it feels good giving your little buddy a present! So here's a list of easy and affordable stocking stuffers and little gifts to make the holidays bright for even the smallest members of your family!
White Elephant is a time-honored tradition. Gather round in a circle with friends and family and fight over essentially weird garbage gifts that make you laugh! I've picked out seven items under $50 that are perfect for your next White Elephant party. So let's get this party started!
A new handbag for yourself or a loved one is the perfect gift! Everyone has stuff and these are beautiful, fancy stuff-holders! I've chosen mostly designer bags with mid-tier price tags so you'll end up with a bag that's well-made, lasts and won't break the bank! Let's get started!
Christmas is nearly here and sometimes it's hard to figure out what the gamer in your life might want for the holidays! Never fear, I'm here to help you out. As a self-proclaimed gamer and person who loves any device or accessory that'll make my life easier, I have a list of things that would be perfect!
Colorful Halloween Makeup To Complete Your Costume
There's nothing worse than using cheap green facepaint only to realize at the end of the night, it's dyed your whole face a light green. I've put together a list of high-rated costume makeup that professional cosplayers, SFX artists and hobbyists use! Plus some inexpensive but amazing makeup that you can use for the night and beyond! Here we go!
I truly envy those who can dress their cats and dogs up in little Halloween costumes. My cats are not cooperative and my dog acts like she's being absolutely tortured. Enjoy your charmed life full of dogs dressed up like cowboys and cats dressed like pizza. You are truly living the dream, so I've put together a list of super cute costumes to add to your pet's ever-expanding Halloween wardrobe!
Halloween is just around the corner and if your kiddo hasn't decided on a Halloween costume yet, I'm here to help! I've got a list of Amazon's top-selling kids Halloween costumes and I'm not afraid to use it!
A table centerpiece can make a room look more put together instantly. When I see someone with a bowl full of faux lemons or multi-level candles on their dining room table, I know they're an adult. An adult who pays taxes and understands how to recycle properly. So give your friends and family the impression that you've got it all together with these festive centerpieces for the best time of the year!
Get Into The Spooky Spirit With These Halloween Inflatables
It's nearly time to deck out your yard for Halloween and make everybody in the neighborhood do a double-take when they walk by your house! I've included some archways for your sidewalk path up to your door, some inflatables that could sit on your porch and one that can even hang from your tree! My point is there's something for everyone here, so let's get to it!