Chick-fil-A Closing Dining Areas Due To COVID-19
It seems like everyday we're getting more and more announcements of closings, postponements, etc. due to COVID-19 concerns. However, some companies and organizations are just making adjustments to how they go about their daily operations. One such business is Chick-fil-A.
This morning, a statement was released from our East Texas Chick-fil-A locations, explaining what they were planning on doing, moving forward. The plan is to shut down their dining areas for the time-being. The drive-thru and curbside services will still be available, just no indoor dining. This was the statement that was released:
As you can see, this covers our Nacogdoches and Lufkin Chick-fil-A locations, as well as Tyler, Longview and Texarkana. It DOES NOT close the dining areas of the locations that are in malls.
This change will go into effect starting Tuesday, March 17th. So, if you're planning on going to Chick-fil-A, plan accordingly.
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