Former Singer Dave Evans on AC/DC’s Current Lineup: ‘They Need to Record a New Album to Make It Legitimate’
AC/DC have seen a variety of lineups over the years, but saw more upheaval than usual during the Rock or Bust album cycle. Guitarist Malcolm Young stepped away from the band, with his nephew Stevie filling in on guitar. Drummer Phil Rudd had some legal issues that led to the return of Chris Slade. Brian Johnson's hearing issues forced him out of touring midway into the run, with Axl Rose subbing in. And, as their touring wound down, bassist Cliff Williams announced he was retiring after the run, leaving guitarist Angus Young as the lone original member. With such turnover, there has also been question of whether AC/DC would continue beyond their most recent album, and while Young has yet to comment, another former member -- original singer Dave Evans -- has weighed in on the matter.
While appearing on The Australian Rock Show (as heard below), Evans was asked his thoughts on the current AC/DC lineup. He responded, "Well, I like the fact that the brand is still out there, 'cause that's all it is these days — it's just a brand. Angus is the only original member left, and a lot of the others are all gone too. If he wants to keep the AC/DC brand going, which he can do, 'cause he's still in the band, they need to settle on a new singer, whether it's gonna be Axl or not, and they need to record a new album, to make it legitimate. That way, AC/DC as a brand, and Angus, will have a new record out."
Evans continued, "They've had many lineups along the way, AC/DC. They [were on] their third bass player and third drummer by the time I left the band. There's been a lot of lineups. There's been four singers now, including Axl. So it's been an revolving situation since the very original first lineup with myself and the other boys. If they wanna keep the brand going again with a new lineup, with Angus, they need to record a new album and see how the fans take that."
As stated, Axl Rose agreed to fill in for AC/DC to help them fulfill their remaining dates after Johnson was forced out of action. The singer earned raves, but also had to balance time between Guns N' Roses and AC/DC. While the pairing seemed to go well, there has been no indication of whether Rose would be interested in continuing with the band.
Hear Dave Evans on The Australian Rock Show
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