Gene Simmons: ‘Collateral Damage Is Heinous’ From #MeToo and #TimesUp Movements
Gene Simmons says that he supports #MeToo and #TimesUp, but the "collateral damage is heinous" from the movements and the accused don't have their day in court. He also thinks the music industry will not see any change in the longterm from either of the campaigns to shed light on harassment in the workplace.
“Let me put it bluntly. I think the s–-tstorm is going to be here for a while and the pendulum will finally get to reality after,” Simmons said during a press event this week, according to the Toronto Sun. “Right now it’s in the extreme. But I’m the last guy to understand any of this stuff.”
“I think it’s wonderful for women to be engaged in the conversation and the positive side is there have been a lot of bad guys who have gotten away with it (and aren’t anymore) - that’s a good thing," the KISS co-founder says. He added, “The collateral damage is heinous because anybody can say anything and there’s no presumption of innocence. That’s the problem; the problem is you don’t have your day in court.”
Simmons said that women who are accusing men of harassment should eschew the headline grabbing press conferences and go straight to court. "You’ll make more money," he says. "You’ll embarrass him everyday. Instead of in a news conference which gets you no money. I’m totally in support of anything and everything that follows the rule of law. Get a lawyer. Do it legitimately.”
Simmons was in Toronto to discuss his role as the as the spokesman for the Canadian recreational marijuana company Invictus. The bassist will raise awareness of the company and eventually assist in brand strategy in the market.
Late last year, Simmons was banned for life by Fox News headquarters following an appearance which staffers considered to be full of crude behavior. The bassist later apologized but subsequently claimed he did nothing to warrant the ban. Then in December, he was sued for sexual battery by a television broadcaster, charges which he vehemently denied.
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