Have Ice Cream At Home Instantly With This Cool New Keurig-Like Machine
It's 2021, and darn it, I want everything at my fingertips. Think about it, we have everything on our phones (remember the days of having to actually carry around an iPod), everything in our cars - hello, Apple Carplay! - and we have devices that bring a whole new meaning to the word 'cool' in our homes.
Here's to hoping you put some of that stimulus money away (or you know, have a savings account), because I'm about to put you on to the newest and coolest machine that you're sure to want in your kitchen this summer (thanks a lot Texas heat).
It's called the ColdSnap and it's an instant ice cream soft serve machine that works similarly to how our Keurig brews us coffee in the morning. The device holds pods that reportedly have a 1-year shelf life, and can make your soft serve in less than 2 minutes.
Sigma Phase, Corp., the company behind the ColdSnap, says that although soft serve is the device's main selling feature, users will also be able to purchase frozen yogurt pods, frozen coffee pods, frozen smoothie pods, frozen healthy shakes pods, and slushie pods for more yummy treats.
"This is challenging and requires significant development and engineering expertise," Matthew Fonte, the entrepreneur bringing this product to life, told CNN. "In the beginning, a lot of people didn't think it was [scientifically] possible to create ice cream like this in about a minute or so."
The ColdSnap is still in the prototype phase, but when Sigma Phase, Corp. gets everything in line, the machine is set to run anywhere from $500 to $1000. That's a little steep compared to the Keurig we can get for $60 at Target...come on, guys.
Fonte says his drive behind the ColdSnap was just thinking for the future.
"We hope that maybe someday, in 20 years, people will look back and say, 'Remember when ice cream was frozen the whole time. How crazy is that?'"
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