FDA Warning: Remove This From Your Texas Home Now
There is a very good chance something that you have had in your pantry or kitchen for years is no banned by the Food and Drug Administration, or at the very least been declared to be potentially harmful to you and your family in Texas.

If you have ever heard, "The wheels of government turn slowly," then this next bit of information will not likely surprise you. The FDA just last week officially banned a substance they have been monitoring in your food since the 1970s.
What has the FDA banned that we should remove from our Texas homes?
What drinks are Brominated Vegetable Oil found inside?
It has been used over the years in several citrus flavored beverages, primarily of the generic variety, but did include Mountain Dew and Sun Drop. BVO was also used in many sports drinks like Gatorade and Walmart brand Great Value sodas and fruit punch.
Why is the FDA just now banning BVO?
After monitoring the product that has been in your foods since the 1970s, animal studies have finally found that there are likely adverse effects on the liver, heart, and brain. BVO is an ingredient in flame retardants, and that itself probably should have made it not a good idea to approve for human consumption from the start.
What should we do if we have products with BVO?
Obviously the FDA doesn't want you to consume it anymore, but there's probably an uncle in your family that has been doin' the Dew since the 70's and he's still here.
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