Looking Forward In 2020 – We’ve Got Your Holiday Countdown Here
So, 2020 hasn't been QUITE the year that we were hoping for...Alright, let's be honest, it's not the year that ANYONE was hoping for. It's been pretty rough. So rough, in fact, that lots of people are just ready to get to 2021, hoping that it'll be leaps and bounds better than 2020.
While I don't condone wishing your life away, there are a few holidays that are still left that we can still look forward to, and we've got your countdown list right here:
- Halloween - 95 days away (October 31st)
- Thanksgiving - 121 days away (November 26th)
- Christmas - 150 days away (December 25th)
- New Years Day - 157 days away (January 1, 2021)
Again, I'm not saying to wish your life away. Enjoy the moment that you're in. However, I'm just saying that there are some bright spots coming up in the not-so-distant future for you to look forward to.
Plus, 2021 isn't that far away either, which is looking pretty good if you compare it to the 2020 that we're going through right now.
Are you pumped about these upcoming holidays? Or, are there some others that you're looking forward to more, that weren't listed above? Or, are you just kind of going with the flow, and you're not really for or against the holiday festivities? Let us know in the comment section below!
Until then, I personally am going to keep counting down the days. You never know what's next, right?