Man Leaves Casino, Robs Bank, Returns to Gamble, Is a Moron
Perhaps the only thing this guy is worse at than gambling is life.
A Charleston, West Va. man is looking at five to 18 years behind bars after he pleaded guilty last week to robbing a bank last August after he'd run out of cash while playing blackjack at a nearby casino. Then, he took the stolen money and returned to the casino to gamble some more.
Kerry Johnson, 52, had run out of money while gambling at the Mardi Gras Casino, so he did the only thing a man in that position could possibly do. Beg on the street? No. Go to a seedy loan shark? No. Go home and just forget about it? No way.
Johnson instead went to City National Bank and robbed it, making off with $5,000, which he then brought back to the casino to gamble (he wound up losing about another $500). We're not sure, but he may have a gambling problem.
Cops quickly pinned the robbery on him and tracked him down. In court last week, Johnson admitted he had taken some drugs on the day of the robbery. So, drugs, crime and gambling. It's like the holy trinity of idiotic criminals.
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