Nacogdoches Should Bring This Event Back…SOON
You know how people on social media are always going on and on about what they'd like to see come to their town? I'm one of those people I'm always pondering about what Nacogdoches could bring in to town.
Also, I think about what Nacogdoches could bring BACK. That's actually what I was thinking about earlier.
What I'd like to see come back to Nac is a...
Motorcycle Rally.
That's it. I really want to see a motorcycle rally come back to the area. I keep thinking about the OTT (Oldest Town in Texas) Rally that was held for several years. I miss going out to the Expo Center and seeing all of the bikes, the vendors, the attractions, and - wait for it - the BBQ cook-off that was held as part of the rally as well.
You see, my first experience at a motorcycle rally was the ROT (Republic Of Texas) Rally in Austin, and since then, I've been a big fan. I even frequented Rockers, Riders and Ribs in Longview. I think out of those three, the ROT Rally is the only one still around - not this year, obviously, due to COVID-19, but you get the picture. That means that it would make sense to have one in Nac, right?
I don't know who to talk to about making this a thing for Nacogdoches again, but I still think that it'd be great to bring a rally back to Nac, whether it's under the OTT name or not...
What are your thoughts? Would having a motorcycle rally in Nac be something that you're interested in, or not? Drop your thoughts in the comments below!
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