Sebastian Bach: Skid Row Are ‘Too Self-Absorbed’ to Consider Anniversaries + Reissues
The conflict between Skid Row and former vocalist Sebastian Bach has been well documented, with the group cycling through a number of singers since his mid-'90s split. Attempts to reconcile have continually fallen apart, which has left the singer frustrated, knowing that there are fans who dearly want something recognizing the past. During a recent chat with Ultimate Classic Rock, Bach spoke of his frustration, questioning whether or not he was the "difficult" one in the equation.
When asked about playing a show with Guns N' Roses at the beginning of their reunion and seeing it evolve into a more extended run than intended, Bach shared his angst, stating, "There’s very much professional jealousy because my band are too self-absorbed to even think about our 30th anniversary or re-releasing the old records on vinyl or putting out Oh Say Can You Scream on Blu-ray, like, obvious shit just doesn’t fuckin’ happen for Skid Row fans."
He continued, "God bless ‘em, starting your 'new' band in your fuckin’ late 50s – way to go. You’re starting your new band in your late 50s. Most musicians, in their late 50s, are fucking playing to the fans that put them there, giving the people what they want. I didn’t invent that phrase."
Bach says, "The reason I get pissed off is because we still get the royalty checks and I get a tremendous sense of guilt when I get these checks because I know the fans want a fuckin’ deluxe edition, just like Guns N’ Roses ... I can’t even complete a group text with these guys. I don’t understand it, because we don’t even have to like each other to put out an old record. I don’t get it. It’s like banging your head against the wall."
Some fans may remember reunion discussions coming to a head a few years ago, but ultimately falling apart with the group deciding to continue with ZP Theart as their new vocalist. Bach reveals that one specific interaction led to the downfall of reunion talks.
"Well the thing is with Skid Row, we were very, very close. We actually were close. I don’t know if people know the story, but I did a show in New Jersey with Halestorm, Tom Kiefer, like two summers ago. This is when we were close to getting back together. So after the show this drunk guy comes into my dressing room and is like, 'I’m Rachel's [Bolan] best friend.' And I go, 'Settle down,' [because] he was all loaded. Skid Row was doing a show opening up for Flavor Flav and Tiffany, and I thought it was fake. I go, 'You're Rachel’s best buddy? Fuckin’ ask him what the fuck is this shit!' I wasn’t ripping anybody apart, I wanted to know, is this real? I had just come offstage so I wasn’t drunk or anything, and this guy got all pissed off and I had him kicked out of my dressing room. And that really was Rachel’s best friend," recalls Bach.
"The next morning I woke up, [Rachel texts me], 'Hey Sebastian, way to go. Just when I’m thinking about getting into a room with you, you rip me apart to my best friend.' I go, 'Your best friend was fucked up, in my face, slurring drunk. You cannot tell me what happened last night was more important than the reunion of Skid Row.' Then Snake [Sabo] chimes in, 'Well, I stick behind my buddies.' And I go, 'You guys are so…how can this be important?' A drunk guy comes in my dressing room, I tell him to get the fuck out of here, that’s more important than 20 million records sold, iconic band status, all the royalty checks we get – that doesn’t mean shit."
Bach continues, "I don’t even know what to say. How is that important? How does that make me a fucking dick if I say, 'Why are my band opening for Tiffany?' What am I supposed to say? Like, 'Right on!' Is this what I’m signing up for? Because I ain’t fucking opening up for Tiffany. Like, what’s going on? There’s no way I’m doing that. Does that make me hard to work with because I won’t open for Tiffany? Does that make me a dick?
"'Oh, he’s really hard to work with,'" ponders Bach. "You’ve had seven fucking singers – maybe you’re hard to work with. My band’s been the same for 10 years or 15 years; same band. No problem in four Broadway shows and a cast of 70 people, Gilmore Girls…they don’t think I’m hard to work with. Netflix loves working with me. Trailer Park Boys, fucking eight seasons – they don’t think I’m hard to work with. Maybe those guys are fucking hard to work with. It’s just a shame because our fans would like it, and there’s no reason why not to."
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