Hear the New Version of ‘Gypsy’ Stevie Nicks Recorded for Netflix
Netflix's upcoming Gypsy series, starring Naomi Watts as a therapist on the verge of personal and professional disaster, was strongly inspired by Fleetwood Mac's 1982 hit "Gypsy" — so it's only fitting that the song's composer, Mac singer Stevie Nicks, recorded a new version for the show.
In fact, according to Nicks, the version viewers will hear attached to Gypsy is closer to her original vision for the song, which eventually ended up on Fleetwood Mac's Mirage album. "I’m very excited for the world to hear ‘Gypsy’ more like I wrote it — on piano," she told Entertainment Weekly. "I am very proud of this version."
As showrunner Lisa Rubin told EW, she heard Fleetwood Mac's version of "Gypsy" for the first time while she was outlining a project at a coffee shop, and was so struck by the song that it "became part of the fabric" of the show, which is set to debut on the streaming service June 30. "It suggests this idea of grounding yourself in who you used to be and the different versions of yourself. There’s melancholy in it, but something that also feels romantic," said Rubin. "It feels bare and haunting. It’s still the same song, but there’s a darker element."
Hooked on the track, Rubin toyed with the idea of hiring a different artist to cover it — and then simply using the original version — but ultimately decided she needed a new take from Nicks herself, and made contact through producer Greg Kurstin. Although Nicks took some convincing, Rubin said the sessions offered the singer an opportunity to come "full circle" with the song, and shared Nicks' delight at discovering that two Gypsy characters own a dog named Stevie.
"I guess Stevie is really into animals, so she loved that. It was a big deal to her. But, I was like 'No, no, no don’t you understand? I wrote the show listening to your song,'" Rubin laughed. "But she seemed really excited about the dog part."
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