Watching the early matches in the 2018 FIFA World Cup makes you realize that running around for ninety minutes straight sure will keep a body looking fit and trim. Man, those guys are in shape! Bulging calf muscles aside, we've got three reasons why this tournament will make us all bigger soccer fans.
Athletes have been drinking pickle juice for years to stay hydrated and keep cramps away, and this sour little cucumber-vinegar mix has caught on with the masses. Leave it to one Texas company to sell this magic elixir not in small jars, but in gallon, Texas-sized jugs. Buy it now and live forever!
Of the 500 athletes competing in Rio, a good portion of them are from Texas. They're from Houston, Dallas, Texarkana, and College Station, and they're spread out across many of the most popular events.
Don't talk about this subject today with your co-workers if you're trying to get some work done. It might send people into a tizzy, and spark an office discussion that lasts a half hour or and takes a big chunk right out of your productivity. Are women's sports "worth watching?" One sports writer is in hot water for suggesting they're not.
It's rare, but there have been stories of high school athletes suffering heart issues on the field, and there's been more than one death. One of those stories is too many.
A new bill is making its way through the process in Austin, and if it's passed, it would require all Texas high school athletes to get an EKG heart screening test before they can play.
Tom Hanks’s character Jimmy Dugan famously said in ‘A League Of Their Own’ that “There’s no crying in baseball.” But that warning hasn’t stopped some of professional sports’ top players from showing their softer side from time to time.