10 Deep East Texas Businesses That Closed In 202410 Deep East Texas Businesses That Closed In 2024Many of these businesses can point to one thing that caused them to call it quits.Dan PatrickDan Patrick
Explorers In Texas Take On A Massive Dead MallExplorers In Texas Take On A Massive Dead MallUrban explorers capture the eerie decay of once vibrant places now frozen in time.Dan PatrickDan Patrick
Lufkin Pizza Restaurant Calls It Quits After 40 YearsLufkin Pizza Restaurant Calls It Quits After 40 YearsThey also expressed gratitude for the support that the Lufkin community has given them over the years.Dan PatrickDan Patrick
East Texans Wish These 25 Retailers Would Magically Re-Open TodayEast Texans Wish These 25 Retailers Would Magically Re-Open TodayNostalgia is great. East Texans want these beloved retailers to reopen.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
This Sports Bar In Nacogdoches Closed For Good?This Sports Bar In Nacogdoches Closed For Good?Bars change names all the time to rebrand and modernize.Dan PatrickDan Patrick
Popular Restaurant Chain Suddenly Closes 4 Texas LocationsPopular Restaurant Chain Suddenly Closes 4 Texas LocationsA Very Well Known Dallas, TX Based National Restaurant Chain Suddenly Closed Dozens Of Locations Across The Country And We're Now Learning Why.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Walmart Will Be Closed Again On Thanksgiving In TexasWalmart Will Be Closed Again On Thanksgiving In TexasBeing closed on Thanksgiving could just make good financial sense.Dan PatrickDan Patrick
No Shopping At These Stores On Thanksgiving – They’ll Be ClosedNo Shopping At These Stores On Thanksgiving – They’ll Be ClosedThe list is actually longer than the one you see, but I only included stores that we have around here.Mark CunninghamMark Cunningham
Things I Didn’t Realize That I’d Miss Until Now: Tilt ArcadeThings I Didn’t Realize That I’d Miss Until Now: Tilt ArcadeWho else remembers the Tilt arcade in the Lufkin Mall? Do you have any fond memories of it?Mark CunninghamMark Cunningham
The Famous Firehouse Saloon In Houston Is Shutting Down…The Famous Firehouse Saloon In Houston Is Shutting Down…When I hear of a music venue shutting down, it hurts a bit - even if I wasn't familiar with the venue.Mark CunninghamMark Cunningham
Can This Make A Comeback? Please? Or At Least Build One Near HereCan This Make A Comeback? Please? Or At Least Build One Near HereWhat about you guys? I know that I can't be the only one...Who else would like to see Pie Five make a comeback in Deep East Texas?Mark CunninghamMark Cunningham
Time For Someone To Revamp This Building, Before It’s Too Late…Time For Someone To Revamp This Building, Before It’s Too Late…It's never good to see abandoned buildings around town. And, the longer they sit there with "For Sale" or "For Lease" signs, the worse they look.Mark CunninghamMark Cunningham