Halloween ain't cheap. Add up the costumes, the candy, and the decorations, and most of us are spending about $80 on the holiday. And then add the alcohol at the adult costume party and, well, that could double.
The sexy festive outfit, the baby diaper costume, and the pop-star-wardrobe-malfunction will probably be bigger hits at that rowdy Halloween night party with friends, than they will be at work. How do we wear something awesome to the Halloween party at work without embarrassing ourselves?
This year's number one Halloween costume is a pretty easy one to put together. You need very few articles of clothing, and perhaps a foam finger.
A Miley Cyrus costume is this year’s hottest Halloween outfit. Many of my friends agree, and are already practicing the pelvic dance moves known as twerking. Will you guys like all the Miley costumes October 31st?