dumb criminals

2012’s Dumbest Criminals Are Painfully Dumb
2012’s Dumbest Criminals Are Painfully Dumb
2012’s Dumbest Criminals Are Painfully Dumb
It turns out to make it onto a list of the dumbest criminals, you have to actually be pretty dumb. Granted, we can't all be masterminds, but it probably doesn't take much to know you shouldn't make a YouTube video boasting about the bank you just robbed. Or tweet about punching a guy in the face. Nor should you get into a fist fight over a piece of birthday cake.
10 Dumb Criminals Caught In the Act
10 Dumb Criminals Caught In the Act
10 Dumb Criminals Caught In the Act
While intelligence isn’t a prerequisite for a life of crime, it certainly would’ve helped these ten boneheaded scofflaws. One clumsy bank robber shoots himself in the foot, a thief can’t figure out how to operate a door as a means of escape and another gets hopelessly stuck while trying to break into a store. If criminals keep being this dumb, us law-abiding citizens have nothing to worry about. R