
Dumped?  Dump Your Ex’s Stuff at Goodwill.
Dumped? Dump Your Ex’s Stuff at Goodwill.
Dumped? Dump Your Ex’s Stuff at Goodwill.
If you don't get your stuff back before  you break up, you might be finding it at the Goodwill Lufkin. Valentine's Day is a good time to purge memories of the ex, and one way to do that is to dump the stuff off at a Lufkin-Diboll-Nacogdoches Goodwill location. Lots of relationship leftovers will be donated, and Goodwill loves the idea.
Going To The Ex’s House For Thanksgiving?
Going To The Ex’s House For Thanksgiving?
Going To The Ex’s House For Thanksgiving?
This is my second Thanksgiving as a single lady.  My ex and I ended things in the summer of 2013, and with three kids it's been important to us to get along and maintain a good relationship, and let it evolve into something new.  We're both much happier apart, an although we weren't right for each other as spouses, we genuinely care about each other and have been able to find places for each other