Iron Maiden’s Paul Di’Anno Is Laid to Rest in LondonIron Maiden’s Paul Di’Anno Is Laid to Rest in LondonFamily-approved image shows his cross-laden casket.Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso
Paul Di'Anno's Cause of Death Paul Di'Anno's Cause of Death He was with the group for 1980's 'Iron Maiden' and 1981's 'Killers.'Allison RappAllison Rapp
Watch Iron Maiden Pay Tribute to Paul Di’Anno During ConcertWatch Iron Maiden Pay Tribute to Paul Di’Anno During ConcertDuring their show in Minneapolis, the heavy metal legends praised the late vocalist's "instrumental" and "groundbreaking" work. Matt WardlawMatt Wardlaw
Dickinson & Di'Anno MeetDickinson & Di'Anno MeetCurrent singer chats with the man he replaced in 1981 for the first time.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Iron Maiden to Cover Paul Di’Anno’s Surgery CostsIron Maiden to Cover Paul Di’Anno’s Surgery CostsFormer singer's fans have been fundraising for 18 months until band stepped in.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Paul Di’Anno Plays Comeback Show and Reunites With Steve HarrisPaul Di’Anno Plays Comeback Show and Reunites With Steve HarrisFormer Iron Maiden singer played first solo set since 2016 and caught up with old bandmates ahead of their tour opener.Bryan RolliBryan Rolli
Former Iron Maiden Singer Paul Di’Anno: Sepsis ‘Almost Killed Me’Former Iron Maiden Singer Paul Di’Anno: Sepsis ‘Almost Killed Me’It's one of the many health scares the rocker has battled in recent years. Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
Iron Maiden’s ‘Killers’ vs. Self-Titled Album: Paul Di’Anno Picks His FavoriteIron Maiden’s ‘Killers’ vs. Self-Titled Album: Paul Di’Anno Picks His FavoriteHe also recalls what led to his exit from the band.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Former Iron Maiden Singer Paul Di’Anno: I Was 45 Minutes From DeathFormer Iron Maiden Singer Paul Di’Anno: I Was 45 Minutes From DeathDi'Anno opens up about his health issues.Graham HartmannGraham Hartmann
When Iron Maiden Fired Singer Paul Di’AnnoWhen Iron Maiden Fired Singer Paul Di’AnnoHis style was crucial to their initial sound and style, but the singer's tenure wouldn't last long. Dave SwansonDave Swanson