I've found that the mornings when I rise early enough to have a bit of quiet time before the mad rush of the day begins, the entire day flows more smoothly.
There's no denying that staying over the red line is more challenging now. A crucial part of accomplishing that? Incredible customer service. Here's help.
Give it a try. Get a simple journal. Write everyday consistently everyday for around ten minutes. Do it for a month, at least. Let me know what happens.
Ready to start a side hustle? It's always wise to stop before delving into life-changing decision and take a look at the reality of what you're planning.
An actor, writer, director, producer, banjo-player, & one wild and crazy guy, he's entertained us for years. Here's some of what we can learn from his life.
It has been said that mood follows action. And I believe it. We tend to wait until we feel like doing something. Guess what? It usually doesn't work that way.
The lock-down has caused many to reflect on their next career steps. If you aspire to leadership, reflect on the skills you'll want to develop to be effective.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't make our resolutions. It makes a difference when we take the simple step of writing out our goals--but start with today.