Is your newest tat a Cowboys star? You've really got to be a fan to be inked with your team's logo or colors, and some NFL fans have gone all out this season. Cowboys fans are in the top half for having the most tattooed fans in the NFL.
There are people that save ashes, pictures, family heirlooms, etc. Now, there's a company that is offering to save their tattoos, as well. Complete with skin.
Red ink is something no business wants to see when it comes to their bottom line ledger, however, management at a newly opened bar and restaurant in Midland, Texas apparently would prefer no ink least when it comes to tattoos on certain parts of the body.
A grandfather in Florida recently lost custody of his grandchildren after allowing his 10-year-old grandson to get a permanent tattoo as a rite of passage. Jeez, what comes after that? Cigarettes and hard liquor?
Next time you get a tattoo in Lufkin or hit the tanning beds, you may find new rules and tighter health codes.
Yesterday at the Angelina County Commissioner's Court meeting a representative from the health department said several health code violations have been discovered recently.
What's the solution?