This time next week if the scale reads two pounds higher than normal, you're right there with the rest of humanity. That's the average weight gain during the holidays, but the truly surprising thing is how long it takes to get rid of it!
Ladies, we're getting larger. The average clothing size for women in America is higher than it's ever been, and our waist size has expanded by 2.6 inches over the past twenty years.
And you love us just the same, right guys? Good answer.
Dang it. This zaps the fun right out of our weekend pig-out session. It turns out our favorite restaurant meals have way too many calories - maybe even a half day's worth - and it's not always that obvious.
The most popular New Year's Resolutions are also the most commonly broken ones. In other words, there's no point in making "save more money" our goal for the new year.
Okay then! What other promises won't we keep?
Men and women overall are about 20 pounds heavier now than they were in the 1960's.
So how much does the average guy or gal in the US weigh? How much do you weigh?
If this a helpful tool to battle the bulge, or is it a nag? This belt can tighten up and shake you if it notices you've been sitting too long.
It also sends data to an iPhone app, and if it notices your waist is expanding, it starts shaming you about the weight you're gaining...
Something tells me us gals stress-eat more than you fellas do. But if we get fat, we have something to blame it on!
Since stress-eating usually involves comfort foods like pizza, cheeseburgers, and chocolate cake, that packs on about a pound a month and eleven pounds per year those experts say.
I was a fat kid and part of my stress now involves worrying about being fat again, so this bit of news
Guys, you have it so easy.
Many women fight the weight battle their entire lives and it can seemingly take forever to lose a pound, and you fellas can drop weight at the speed of light it seems. If you want to that is. But once you make up your mind to drop pounds, you lose more weight, more quickly than women do.
How does this work?