When you really want to vent some frustration, "Fiddlesticks!" probably doesn't cut it. Actually, my grandma used to use that one and then she would crack herself up and start laughing, and whatever it was that had upset her was long gone. So I guess it worked.
The Huffington Post put out a list of 17 Old-Timey Swear Words That Are Anything But Offensive Today. Some of them are pretty
Surely you know someone that's a "like" overuser and inserts it into places where it would be fine if it was, like, not there. You know?
I read something today that said people who are constantly inserting the words and phrases "like," "you know," and "I mean," are not ditzy and immature if that crossed your mind. In fact, they may be more thoughtful than
What words or phrases bug you? Can you narrow it down to just one?
Here's what a new Marist poll says. "Whatever" has been voted the most annoying word or phrase of the year.