What’s Coming Up At Banita Creek Hall? Facebook Has Us Curious…
Banita Creek Hall in Nacogdoches has not been opened up "regularly" since COVID-19 first started. However, a new post overnight has gotten the people of Nacogdoches - myself included - excited about what's next for the dance hall.
This was the post from Facebook overnight:.
It’s been too long and we have missed you all....stay tuned
Posted by Banita Creek Hall - Nacogdoches, Texas on Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Yes, it's pretty vague, but it's still exciting. You know, they had a few shows lined up a few weeks ago that had to be cancelled. However, this new post online is causing people to get excited, because it's a part of the "normal" that we had before COVID-19 was a thing.
Which concerts are next? Are there special nights coming up? Who knows? Again, the people of Nacogdoches are just excited to see it coming back...
Now, I'm sure that there will be all of the proper protocols in place - social distancing, sanitizing, etc. - so it won't be quite the same normal that we've known for years. But, at this point, we'll take what we can get.
As of right now, nothing has been posted about upcoming shows and events. That doesn't mean that we're not keeping an eye on it, though. Be sure to keep up with Banita Creek Hall on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so that you can get the updates as well!
Facebook: @BanitaCreekHall
Instagram: @banitacreekhall
Twitter: @BanitaCrkHall

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