Work on US 59 Starts Today
It may be a mess while construction is going on, but it should be worth it in the end. Isn't that the way road construction always goes? No pain no gain.
Construction crews start work today on US 59 and they're shifting lanes at Loop 287. There may be traffic delays while drivers get use to that.
The Texas Dept. of Transportation says traffic on the Loop both east and westbound will shift over a few feet while the new lanes are being built. It's just a shift, not a detour, so delays might not be so bad.
Crews are going to build new connecting ramps to cut down on exiting and stopping, and a new overpass on US 59 will replace an existing underpass. And so much more! There a numerous small projects that make up big picture.
There will be some road closures as part of the overall project. Beginning later this fall, drivers won't be able to turn onto US 59 from FM 3439/Spence Street. Other closures are planned too.
The entire project is expected to take three years, but in the end, traffic on U.S. 59, U.S. 69 and Loop 287 should flow more freely through the U.S. 59/Loop 287 intersection.
It might be an intersection to avoid until 2015, but it will be smooth sailing then. Can't wait!
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