An East Texas Jogger is Injured in a Hit-and-Run
Runners can do their best to make safe choices crossing the road and staying to the right, but there comes a point when we have to forge ahead and trust East Texas drivers not to hit us. Maybe we shouldn't.
A jogger that was out for a Sunday morning run last weekend was the victim of a hit-and-run, and police still haven't located the pickup truck involved. Nacogdoches Police said the man was jogging on Northeast Stallings Drive near the entrance of a residential neighborhood when he was hit by the bumper of a pickup. The driver took off and left the jogger with injuries. Thankfully, they're minor and he'll be back out there jogging soon.
If you're a jogger, do you worry at all about sharing the road with crazy East Texas drivers? (Not you. It's the other drivers that are crazy.) When we're out for a run, we're sort of at the mercy of the drivers that we're sharing the road with, and they're always faster than we are. If they're not paying attention or if they don't see us, bad things can happen. Do you wear headphones while you're running? That really puts us in our own little world and makes it next to impossible to warning honks and engines getting closer.
Most drivers I've encountered are fantastic about sharing the road, but I guess as it is with anything, there's a risk and you just never know. So thanks, drivers, for watching out for us, and for not letting our yoga pants make you a distracted driver.
If you have info on the hit-and-run, you're asked to call the Nacogdoches Police Department at (936) 559-2607 or Nacogdoches Crime Stoppers at (936) 560-INFO (4636).
And runners, we gotta make sure we're following the road rules too.
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