Golden State Wins Again…
For those of you that took our East Texas Poll: Who Wins The NBA Title, thank you. And if your vote on that poll was for the Cavaliers to pull it off...well, I'm sorry, better luck next year.
Yes, if you haven't already heard, the Golden State Warriors won the NBA National Championship last night in game five over the Cleveland Cavaliers. This makes two titles for the Warriors in the past three years, and it's their third consecutive NBA Finals appearance.
I'm not a huge fan of this outcome, in case you were wondering. I mean, any team that puts my favorite team out of contention for the title, I'm probably not going to root for. Yes, you've heard me say it before, and will hear me say again, I'm always going to be supporting the black and silver from San Antonio. The San Antonio Spurs are my team of choice.
However, Golden State winning wasn't all bad. I mean, I'm legitimately happy for former Texas Longhorn Kevin Durant. This is his first NBA championship since he joined the ranks of the NBA elite in 2007. That's 10 seasons without a championship. So, congrats KD ... now move over so that San Antonio can take their rightful place as champions once again.
Yes, in my early, early, EARLY prediction for next season, I'm predicting the Spurs to win it all next year. I mean, come on, did you expect anything else from me?
#GoSpursGo #RaceForSeis