Guess If These Silly Texas Town Names are Real or Fake
We're so used to hearing town names like Marfa and Waxahachie in Texas that they don't even sound weird anymore. Those are definitely real. What about Noodle and Sponge? Real Texas towns, or fake?
Noodle, Texas is a real town in North Texas and gets its name from the nearby Noodle Creek. We're guessing the early pioneers ate some grub at the creek frequently and the frontier chef made noodles a lot. Only In Your State.com says noodle is the local term for "nothing" and signifies a dry creek bed. That too.
Sponge is a fake Texas town. I totally made that up.
What about these town names? Real or fake?
Ding Dong
Ben Franklin
Ben Wheeler
Gun Barrel City
Cut and Shoot
You are correct. Most of those are real! The populations of those towns are not huge, but the people who live there make us all a little jealous having a town name that's unique and looks so cool on t-shirts. Nacogdoches and Lufkin are great and all, but they're no Cut and Shoot.
Cut and Shoot is in Montgomery County, 6 miles east of Conroe and 40 miles north of Houston. Maybe you've been there, and if not it's a road trip waiting to happen just to get a picture next to the population road sign.
Texas really has a fascination with Bens too. Ben Franklin and Ben Wheeler are real -- Ben Wheeler is right here in East Texas of course, in Van Zandt County, and Ben Franklin is north of Dallas near Pecan Gap. Another good one. Benjamin is in Knox County, population 258.
The only fake towns on that list are: Sad, Crawfish, Dory, and Toast. The rest are real, and a source of pride for us Texans. Not every state has an Oatmeal and a Ding Dong, and we've got that plus a Kermit and an Elmo too.
And Dime Box and Nimrod, and the list of greatness goes on and on. I'm sure you're adding some Locos of your own too.
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