Job Searching? Spirit Outfitters In Nacogdoches Is Hiring!
It seems like lots of people are looking for jobs right now. And, it seems that not many places are actually in the process of hiring at the moment. However, according to the Facebook page of a local Nacogdoches business, they're in the process of hiring.
Spirit Outfitters in Nacogdoches is a local business that does custom t-shirts, makes signs and banners, customizes plaques, and so much more. Right now, thanks to COVID-19, they're even selling personalized PPE. And, I'm only scratching the surface of the work they get into.
But right now, they're also in the process of hiring. According to their Facebook page, they're looking to fill two positions: A product packager, and a screen print trainee. The product packager is the person that checks all items to make sure that they are prepped and ready for delivery. The screen print trainee is the person that works with the printing machine that makes custom printed items.
This is something else that I'm only scratching the surface on. Here's the full description from the Spirit Outfitters Facebook page:
We are currently seeking to fill two positions on our team:
(1) Product Packager: ensures that all items meet quality...
Posted by Spirit Outfitters on Tuesday, October 13, 2020
You can find a downloadable application at the Spirit Outfitters website. They also mention on there that applications must be submitted by email.
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