Lots of people are job searching these days. Especially recent college grads. If this sounds like you, maybe you should look into the Planters company. They're hiring right now, for a one-year position. And, you get the chance to travel.

This was from the job description planters put out:

Do you have an appetite for adventure, a friendly personality and boundless enthusiasm? Do you want to represent the Planters brand as a goodwill ambassador through radio and television appearances, newspaper interviews, grocery store and military visits, and sport and charity functions? Do you want to meet and greet people from coast to coast? Do you want to work in your own traveling public relations firm; organizing promotions and pitching TV, radio and print media? If the answer is “Yes”, you could qualify to be an official Planters Peanutter.

Yes, they are in fact hiring people to be official Planters Peanutters. These would be brand ambassadors that go around, spreading the Planters latest news through radio interviews, TV appearances, print media, etc.

This is one year position and it comes with perks! Competitive salary, clothing, a chance to work in the traveling public relations firm, a company car (perhaps the NUTMobile???), and more!

Now, for me, this isn't my ideal position. It's 100% travel, and I'm not a fan of that much out and about. However, maybe you are!

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