SFA Gardens Spring Sale Cancelled, But New Post Preps Us For Fall
If you are friends with me on Facebook, you may have seen a post from over the weekend about the SFA Gardens Plant Sale. It was supposed to take place on Saturday, April 4th. Obviously, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it did not happen. This was the post:
Today should have been the day of the SFA Gardens Spring Plant Sale. I've spent months watching Jordan Cunningham get ready for this sale. You know what? It didn't happen. She, along with her team, spent countless hours, days, weeks and months prepping for this event that didn't take place. The pandemic stopped that. COVID-19 cancelled the sale. This is more than just an inconvenience. This is more than just one cancelled event. This is another example of how this temporary, new normal is affecting EVERYBODY. This is another, rough reminder to follow the guidelines and orders as they come from experts and officials. I'm not saying to live in fear of this, but don't take it lightly either. We will come through it, no doubt. But for now, we have to take it one step at a time.
Yes, the fact that the spring sale was cancelled was pretty frustrating, especially if you're a Nacogdoches-native. However, the SFA Gardens Facebook page has this post up, that has us looking forward to the fall:
October 3rd. That's - obviously - the first weekend in October. This is something to look forward to. Because eventually, we're going to be able to go to the movies, to dine in restaurants, to crowd into Walmart by the thousands again. And, we'll be able to go to events at places like the SFA Gardens again.
Get ready. It's on it's way.

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