You Should Avoid Buying These 10 Items From Texas Dollar StoresYou Should Avoid Buying These 10 Items From Texas Dollar StoresAre You Really Saving money when you shop there?Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
TOTALLY AVOID These Seven Topics At Your Christmas Get-TogetherTOTALLY AVOID These Seven Topics At Your Christmas Get-TogetherIf you don't want to ruin all the fun, I, I KNOW you should take some time to review these topics, and avoid them completely this Christmas.Mark CunninghamMark Cunningham
Venomous Caterpillars Spotted In Houston; Be Sure To Avoid ThemVenomous Caterpillars Spotted In Houston; Be Sure To Avoid ThemBasically, what I'm trying to say is avoid these asp caterpillars at all costs.Mark CunninghamMark Cunningham
Starting Monday, Avoid North Street . . . Until DecemberStarting Monday, Avoid North Street . . . Until DecemberStarting Monday, August 26th, the residents of Nacogdoches - or even just visitors passing through the city - should change up their plans a bit. Mark CunninghamMark Cunningham