
‘Angry Birds’ Movie Trailer Parody [VIDEO]
‘Angry Birds’ Movie Trailer Parody [VIDEO]
‘Angry Birds’ Movie Trailer Parody [VIDEO]
I had heard of the popular App called 'Angry Birds', but never understood what all the fuss was about, until my boyfriend downloaded it on his iPad. Big mistake. I think for two weeks straight, we were glued to his screen, vigorously trying to beat every level, even though some just seemed impossible to complete!
Best Super Bowl Commercials 2011 [VIDEOS]
Best Super Bowl Commercials 2011 [VIDEOS]
Best Super Bowl Commercials 2011 [VIDEOS]
The Green Bay Packers are the champions of Super Bowl XLV. Now the three-million-dollars-for-30-seconds-of-airtime question is ... which Super Bowl ad ruled 2011? Here’s our stab at this years 10 best Super Bowl commercials. Which one was your favorite?
Man Fired for Loving Green Bay Too Much [VIDEO]
Man Fired for Loving Green Bay Too Much [VIDEO]
Man Fired for Loving Green Bay Too Much [VIDEO]
What would you do if you were John Stone? Chicago-based car salesman John Stone wasn't expecting to be fired when he wore a Green Bay Packers tie to his job at a car dealership on Monday. But that's exactly what happened, after he refused to remove the item at the management's repeated requests.
Beer Robot? I Want One! [VIDEO]
Beer Robot? I Want One! [VIDEO]
Beer Robot? I Want One! [VIDEO]
You know how it can be a pain sometimes to get up and go ALLLLL the way to the fridge to get yourself another frosty barley pop?  Well, why not do what this guy did and invent your own beer robot!
Take Back The Horns Website
Take Back The Horns Website
Take Back The Horns Website
We've all thrown the horns symbol before--on camera, in a picture, at a concert-- but sometimes, there's no need to do it, unless you're voluntarily trying to look like an idiot. Here's a website dedicated to making  fun of people throwing the horns sign in ridiculous places.