Name: Chris Cobb Hometown: Longview, TX Top 5 Bands...at the Moment: Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Toadies, Foo Fighters, Pink Floyd, and Deftones. Fact few people know about you: I'm a pretty good cook and I also used to be a bartender. I've been know to make some pretty rockin' cocktails and I love kickin' back on the weekends with the grill goin' and cold beer in the ice chest!! If you won a Grammy, who would you thank?: Probably Tama Drum Kits. What else would I win a Grammy for? Its the only thing I can do musically. Most embarrassing moment: Oh, I have at least one a day, but don’t we all??? Tell us your dirty little secret: HA! All my secrets are dirty. Shoot me an e-mail and maybe I'll tell ya..... What are your hobbies?: Music, Darts, Pool, Sports, Cooking, and havin' a good time… what ever that involves.... ;)