Instead of buying him something similar to all the things he already has, you could unlock the awesome potential of living in Texas and start helping him cross a few things off of his bucket list.
Many roses will be gifted to those we love on February 14. Did you know that different colors of roses historically have come to have their own meaning?
It's the thought that counts. Unless the thought includes something that creates more work for mom and dad, or noise, or trash. There are some gifts that make parents cringe!
Thank you, gift gods, that there are still one or two gift ideas that still seem to be well-received by most people and come across as thoughtful, even. Ready?
Bacon solves a lot of problems as it is, and now it can be a pile of treasure at the end of a bad-gift rainbow. An unwanted scarf might turn into a year's supply of free bacon if you use the right hashtag.
Whether you're home for the Holidays, stuck inside with your roommates and away from family or just bored on Christmas day, I have a list of eight super fun games you can play with family and friends to make this Holiday season feel a little less miserable.