
What Would You Do With An Extra Hour in the Day?
What Would You Do With An Extra Hour in the Day?
What Would You Do With An Extra Hour in the Day?
How many times have you heard somebody drone on with the thought, "I just need another hour in the day...."  We all try to cram so much into a 24-hour period there's just not enough time for all of it.  And the lack of an extra hour comes in as a handy excuse for missing something! So if you had ONE extra hour in the day, how would you use it?  Head for Lake Sam Rayburn?  Go look at anim
Some Employers Are Offering Nap Rooms
Some Employers Are Offering Nap Rooms
Some Employers Are Offering Nap Rooms
Have you ever had the urge to take a power nap at work? Some employers are noticing that workers tend to get a little droopy-eyed around mid-afternoon, and rather than supply more coffee and energy drinks, the companies are hollowing out closets and other small spaces, adding a couch and some darkness, and calling it a nap room.