Texas is #1 for Hog Attacks
A wild hog can weigh up to 400 pounds, and it's probably not something you want to encounter since those things never seem like they're in a good mood. Texas leads the nation in hog attacks, but there are specific things we can watch out for that will save us a trip to the hospital.
The feral hog issue in Texas is huge, and it spells trouble for yards and landscapes that are easily ripped up by their hooves. These animals also compete for food with other animals that are more compatible with humans and our needs, so there's a big effort to control the feral hog population. Wild boars are a pain to deal with already, and now we hear we're at risk of getting attacked if we encounter one.
Texas is #1 for hog attacks in the US. Of the states that reported people being attacked by wild pigs, Texas accounted for 24 percent of the total, with Florida at 12 percent and South Carolina at 10 percent. And in 2013, there were more hog attacks in the US than shark attacks. Dang! East Texas doesn't have to worry about sharks so much, but we have plenty of those feral hogs running around.
Male feral hogs that are alone tend to attack the most often. They're territorial and they want to defend their domain. And maybe they're a little bit nervous about being potentially cornered, which makes them feel like jumping at us. Wyoming has trouble with bears, and Texas has issues with hogs. Don't mess with 'em.
The last fatal hog attack in the US happened in Texas in 1996, but plenty of people have needed stitches from wild pig attacks since then.
If you think pigs are fat and slow and can't hurt you because you'll outrun them, think again. Texas Parks and Wildlife says "razor sharp tusks combined with their lightning speed can cause serious injury." Lightning speed! Don't let the pot bellies and short legs fool you.
One wild pig even got into a home in Louisiana by walking right in the front door, and he charged a guy who was sitting in the living room. I have the phrase, "SHUT the front door!" echoing in my head too.
The weather is warming up and we're heading outside more and more, and the hogs are none too happy about that. Hunters and trappers know what they're doing and they can help control the feral hog population, so let's steer clear while we let them do their thing. Bacon, anyone?