If you and your kids haven't had the chance to attend a JAKES event before, you're missing out, and you should definitely make plans to attend this year's event at the Winston Tree Farm (7120 US 59 S) in Nacogdoches County..

JAKES (Juniors Acquiring Knowledge Ethics & Sportsmanship) is a part of the National Wild Turkey Federation, and this year will be celebrating their 20th anniversary doing what they do best: teaching kids under the age of 17 outdoor skills.

The events this year include archery, target shooting, rock climbing, turkey calling, trap shooting, and more.

JAKES Day will start at 8:00 in the morning with registration, and there will be events going on from that time until 1:00 PM. $10 will cover your NWTF JAKES Membership, a JAKES t-shirt, a hot dog lunch, and all the events throughout the day.

You can also do an early registration, which is encouraged. To receive a registration form, you can reach out via email to Dale Bounds at dalebounds9@gmail.com, or Craig White at craigswhite@yahoo.com.


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