Three Reasons You Might Buy Less Halloween Candy This Year
Quite a few Halloween events will probably be canceled this fall, and the experts are saying candy sales could be cut in half. They really don't know us very well, do they?
We don't really need a Trunk-or-Treat event to down the Kit Kats. But the experts are thinking candy sales will dip this fall because events will be canceled and there won't be a very big need for jumbo bags of assorted Hershey Bars.
They forgot that half of the Halloween candy we buy usually doesn't make it to Halloween night because we make s' mores out of it, add it to cookie recipes, and stock our secret stash on the top shelf of the pantry. Those things are never canceled.
But on the off chance that they are correct, these might be the reasons for lesser candy sales this Halloween.
1. Churches, businesses, and organizations will skip the usual events. Trunk-or-treats and business open houses may not be happening because they'll want to avoid social gatherings.
2. Workers are at home instead of in the office, and there's no need to supply the office candy dish. This may impact decorations too, with a decreased need for cobwebs covering cubicles.
3. Trick-or-treating in neighborhoods could be in jeopardy. Those in high-risk age groups won't want to open their doors to germs, and parents may keep kids inside a smaller trick-or-treating radius than usual.
I've read a couple of articles saying medical masks could be required underneath traditional Halloween masks. Or, we might see costume half-masks for the first time ever, that only cover the mouth and nose.
Halloween could be weird, but then these are the times we're living in. At least we've got candy.

Gallery — Every Movie Theater Candy, Ranked:
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