(Video source: Sarah Turney's YouTube video)

A TikTok video has gone viral over the last couple of days, and has been under investigation by law enforcement.

The video (see above) shows a young woman in a car with at least two other individuals Her eyes are black and look swollen, and many wondered as to whether it showed makeup or was due to injury from a possible assault.

As discussions continued, people were speculating that she could be one of two girls.

One possibility? Perhaps it could be Cassie Compton, "a 16-year-old girl who went missing in 2014 from Stuttgart, Arkansas," KARK 4 and Fox 16 news anchor Mitchell McCoy reports. He updated his Twitter page earlier postings "the official Find Cassie Compton Facebook page has posted that a family in California believes it's their loved one.

This is Cassie Compton:

Photo source: Sarah Turney's YouTube page
Photo source: Sarah Turney's YouTube page

But probably much to Compton's family disappointment, it's not her.  

This is Haley Grace Phillips:

Photo source: Sarah Turney's YouTube page
Photo source: Sarah Turney's YouTube page

Similarly, many were concerned for her safety. But as of around 2 p.m. today, Phillips posted on her own Instagram page that she is fine and people need to stop worrying about her. The tone of her video has drawn some criticism due to what is considered to be a harsh tone in response to widespread concern. Also because of the way she referred to Cassie Compton in her video.

At the same time, some are still skeptical as to whether Haley Phillips is truly "fine." I'm sure this story will continue to develop. However, we are certainly glad to hear from her and to know that, on some level, she is safe.

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