What’s The Biggest Eyesore In Nacogdoches/Lufkin?
Let me start off by saying this: I'm a huge fan of where I'm from. Deep East Texas is where I was born and raised, and I'd have it no other way. However, just like anywhere else in the world, our little corner of the Pineywoods has it's own eyesores. My question is, what's the BIGGEST eyesore?
Is it the old papermill outside of Lufkin? The old Abitibi Consolidated mill on Highway 103 just outside the loop has looked pretty rough since it closed down. Only now, it's looking even worse, considering that it's being torn apart little by little...
Is it the old Bealls store in the University Mall? It's been closed a long time now, and it's not looking any more nostalgic...
Perhaps it's the old Redland Theatre...I understand that it could look cool and retro, but with the big metal barns that have been built behind it, the graffiti on the front, and all of the weeds and stuff growing out of control, it's not exactly easy on the eyes...
These are just three places that come to mind. What are your thoughts on it? Is there a different eyesore? Maybe one that just needs a bit of help to make it look better? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below.
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