
Going To The Ex’s House For Thanksgiving?
Going To The Ex’s House For Thanksgiving?
Going To The Ex’s House For Thanksgiving?
This is my second Thanksgiving as a single lady.  My ex and I ended things in the summer of 2013, and with three kids it's been important to us to get along and maintain a good relationship, and let it evolve into something new.  We're both much happier apart, an although we weren't right for each other as spouses, we genuinely care about each other and have been able to find places for each other
Police Will Be Watching The Roads Over Thanksgiving Weekend
Police Will Be Watching The Roads Over Thanksgiving Weekend
Police Will Be Watching The Roads Over Thanksgiving Weekend
Wednesday will be one of the busiest travel days of the year, and it's not just carloads of people headed to Grandma's house who will be on the road.  State troopers will be out there too, watching for speeders, drunk drivers, and those who aren't wearing seat belts.
More Than 40 Chains Won’t Open On Thanksgiving Day
More Than 40 Chains Won’t Open On Thanksgiving Day
More Than 40 Chains Won’t Open On Thanksgiving Day
Some stores are opening up at 5 or 6pm on Thanksgiving Day to help you burn some calories after all the turkey and cranberries.  But others have said no, and won't open up until Black Friday.  Check out the growing list of stores that WON'T open on Thanksgiving Day.
Thanksgiving Dinner Costs How Much?
Have you tallied up how much your family spends on the turkey dinner at Thanksgiving? Counting that green bean casserole with the french fried onions on top, cranberry sauce, the bird, and other trimmings, the average cost of Thanksgiving dinner is $44.04 this year.
More Men Are Cooking the Turkey This Thanksgiving
More Men Are Cooking the Turkey This Thanksgiving
More Men Are Cooking the Turkey This Thanksgiving
Growing up, my mom was always the one to cook the turkey at Thanksgiving.  The turkey was always baked to perfection (and sometimes imperfection) in the oven at my parents' house and at Grandma's, using the traditional method with the traditional stuffing inside. Then somewhere along the way, about the time I got into high school, my dad figured out he could inject sauces into meats, and the turke
Where Did That Turkey Come From?
Where Did That Turkey Come From?
Where Did That Turkey Come From?
Texas doesn’t have bragging rights in terms of the biggest turkey-producing states, but it does produce its share. Nine to ten million Texas turkeys are produced each year, and most of those come from Central and East-Central Texas, according to a map from Smithsonian Magazine. Which state is the biggest turkey producer? I’ll give you the answer so you can impress your friends and family at the Th
Online Shoppers Admit to Browsing in Unlikely Places
Online Shoppers Admit to Browsing in Unlikely Places
Online Shoppers Admit to Browsing in Unlikely Places
Are you planning to shop in the store, or online this weekend? Actually going to Lufkin Mall, grabbing the item you want, and paying for it there without having to wait for UPS to bring it to you seems sort of nostalgic now. Die hard shoppers might argue it's the most fun way to obtain new things, but there is something quick and convenient about electronically adding to cart. If you shop onli
How Many Calories Does That Thanksgiving Meal Have?
How Many Calories Does That Thanksgiving Meal Have?
How Many Calories Does That Thanksgiving Meal Have?
The season of eating continues this week. We stuffed our faces full of candy at Halloween, and now it’s on to the big Thanksgiving meal. This Thursday we’ll sit around the TV watching the Cowboys’ game and graze all day on turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and of course that green bean casserole with the crunchy onions on top that seems to find its way to most tables. Have you ever put down the f
Thanksgiving Not Necessarily a Day Off
Thanksgiving Not Necessarily a Day Off
Thanksgiving Not Necessarily a Day Off
What’s your family tradition on Thanksgiving Day? For many of us, Thanksgiving means getting up early to put the turkey in, smelling the aroma of baking turkey and coffee-brewing while watching parades all morning, then expecting family to arrive promptly at 11am. The rest of the day is all about grazing over piles of turkey and green casserole and putting black olives on our fingertips to make pu
What’s on TV Thanksgiving Day? — Thanksgiving TV and Movie Roundup
What’s on TV Thanksgiving Day? — Thanksgiving TV and Movie Roundup
What’s on TV Thanksgiving Day? — Thanksgiving TV and Movie Roundup
You’ve got the meal all figured out, but there’s an entire day of preparation ahead of you and that means your family needs entertaining. You want to turn on the tube, but not lull the holiday spirit. Fortunately for you, there are plenty of unique and Thanksgiving-oriented specials available for your whole clan to watch. ...