On the streets yesterday speaking with folks about the Connecticut tragedy, six in ten that I spoke with, called the United States a permissive society.  Maybe.  I lean more towards a reactive culture.

The following may appear to be an insensitive comparison in wake of a lone gunman's heinous massacre, but by setting out to accomplish the goal, success has a better chance of sprouting.

Let's take sports, for instance.  Why is it that certain coaches are not only born leaders, but preach strategy to reach their plateau, while others seem to recycle themselves throughout the league, setting records for mediocrity, along with sub-par expertise and understanding of basic fundamentals.

Tom Landry, Vince Lombardi, and Phil Jackson are just a few names that come to mind.  Some will argue that throughout their stellar careers, they had great personnel to work with, but you still need to manage talent while keeping ego's in check.  It's about consistency year after year, following an outline considered proactive, not reactive.

With funerals now underway in the tiny hamlet of Newtown, CT, many officials, both pro and con, are weighing in on the debate over gun control, and the likely legislation that will be enacted regarding assault weaponry.  But, shouldn't this have already been addressed with some sense of urgency after Columbine, or even Virginia Tech?  No, the United States is not permissive, but entirely REACTIVE.

It is easy to "Monday Morning Quarterback", but what if the killers Mother didn't own the assault rifle with 30 round clips?  How many innocent lives would have been spared?  Too many politicians today; too many cooks in the kitchen; too much discussion without direct action; too much partisanism; too much lack of common sense attributes.

There is an old saying that if a "thief really wants something, they will get it", but we don't have to hold open the door for them.  This is not about the National Rifle Association (NRA), nor is it about Second Amendment Rights under the Constitution. Every building begins with the foundation, so our Country brass simply need to start there (the foundation), and work their way up the ladder, whereby each rung is challenging the bad guys with some type of restrictions.

Listen to the audio beginning at around 2:30, and let me know if you agree, or disagree, with Texas Representative Louie Gohmert:

Email me at rickstnick@townsquaremedia.com.

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