Are You Still Wearing A Mask Anytime You’re In Public?
I'll admit, I'm a bit flummoxed.
We're still seeing a huge spike in Covid-19 cases in Texas, and I've definitely seen more East Texans wearing masks. But more and more, I'm seeing people "wearing masks" only to have them not covering their nose and in some cases hanging around their necks.
It certainly helps when major chains like Target, Wal-Mart, and Best Buy issue a nationwide mask mandate before allowing people into their stores. That's a heck of a catalyst.

However, I picked up lunch yesterday and noticed that this particular place is no longer doing curbside pickup. So, that means you have to go inside to pick up your order. In many places, there are still safety measures in place, and you can tell.
But at this particular place, I noticed that while all of the employees were wearing masks, the place was PACKED with people. Don't get me wrong, it was nice to see fellow friends and neighbors enjoying a meal with loved ones--we all miss that.
At the same time, it's disturbing to see so many people so close to together--laughing and chatting as if there's nothing to worry about. Is it cognitive dissonance? Do we somehow feel that in these happy places we're immune from infection?
In grocery stores and other big chains, though the restrictions are less than they were, there's still a measure of social distancing. One can enjoy a shopping experience at Target without leaning in too close to the lady standing next to you in the towel aisle to ask her if she would recommend the white or leopard-print shower curtain.
But in places where we are seated close together as a rule, why do we think this is a safe zone?
I'm sincerely curious for your feedback. I know we are still, after all of this time, seeking to navigate what can feel like a truly surreal experience. And, if we've not been personally affected by Covid, the virus and all of these headlines can seem a bit over-dramatic. But I know if we were to talk to friends or family of those who've been lost or are seriously ill, we may stop and reconsider--and get that food to-go.
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