Back To Normal? SFA Students Will Have An In-Person Graduation In December
Every day, or almost, every day, we see stories about things returning back to normal that haven't been that way since the COVID-19 pandemic started. We've seen stories of restaurants opening back up with more capacity, gyms opening back up, and more.
Today, I saw something that is fairly dear to me, that I was excited about. This is what I saw:
After much discussion among university officials, SFA has announced it will hold traditional in-person commencement...
Posted by Stephen F. Austin State University on Monday, September 21, 2020
As an SFA Alum, it was really weird knowing that there was not a real graduation for the students in May, or the students in August. Those were events that always happened, except for this year. But, I'm so glad to see that they're coming back.
Plus, they're opening up for those students that didn't get the chance to walk and receive their diplomas. No, it's not the same as getting it on your actual graduation date, and there are probably several students that won't be able to attend, but I still think it's awesome that they have the opportunity, and the invitation, should they choose to accept it.
According to the website, there will be a total of five graduations over the course of December 11th and 12th. Students that graduated in May and August will share a ceremony with students from the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, at 3:00 PM on Friday December 11th. The second ceremony that day will be held at 6:00 PM and will include students from the College of Fine Arts and the College of Liberal and Applied Arts.
On Saturday, December 12th, the first ceremony will take place at 9:00 AM and will include students from the Rusche College of Business and the Department of Human Services and Educational Leadership. At noon, the students from the Department of Education Studies and the Department of Human Sciences will have their ceremony. The final ceremony will take place at 3:00 PM and will include the students from the College of Sciences and Mathematics, and the Department of Kinesiology.
Also, there is something else to keep in mind: All ceremonies will be livestreamed on the SFA Facebook page. More information on graduation can be found at the Stephen F. Austin State University Facebook page, and also on the SFA website here.