
Watch This Girl Pull Her Own Tooth With a Sling Bow
Watch This Girl Pull Her Own Tooth With a Sling Bow
Watch This Girl Pull Her Own Tooth With a Sling Bow
Parents have all sorts of tricks for pulling their kids' teeth.  My dad tied a string to my tooth when I was 7, and tied the other end of the string to a chair and then tipped the chair over to yank the tooth out. It worked.  This sling bow trick one-ups my dad's chair for sure.  How creative!  Watch this.
This Jurassic Fan is Over the Top!
This Jurassic Fan is Over the Top!
This Jurassic Fan is Over the Top!
This girl REALLY liked Jurassic World.  She liked it so much she cried hysterically for fifteen minutes, fell in head-over-heels in love with the raptors, and gave it a 15 out of 10.  There were a couple of parts that she said were "stupid" but for the most part she was insanely over the top about this movie.  And her loving husband rolled the camera on it.
This is What Happens When You Mix Milk and Coke
This is What Happens When You Mix Milk and Coke
This is What Happens When You Mix Milk and Coke
This video is up to 4.2 million views now on Youtube.  My first thought was that things would probably get volatile and explode when milk and Coke are combined, but what actually happens is surprising.  And kinda gross! The video was posted in January, but for some reason there's a viral resurgence happening this week...

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