TX DPS Provides Web App To Help Avoid Sex Offenders on Halloween
We're just a few weeks away from Halloween. That means that we're just a few weeks away from children and parents going from door to door asking for candy. Yes, the CDC has suggested not doing that, but I'm sure people are going to be doing it anyway.
But, COVID-19 isn't the only concern that parents have on Halloween night. Lots of parents are concerned about the kind of people that they and their kids will come into contact with. They want to know all they can about the kind of people that live on their trick-or-treating route.
And, the Texas Department of Public Safety - TX DPS - now has a webpage where parents, or anyone for that matter, can put in their address and see if there are any registered sex offenders in the area.
You are able to go to the webpage, put in your address, and it will bring up a map with known offenders in the area, along with their information, and details of their charges. It looks like this:
It also gives a ranking on how dangerous of an offender they are. The rankings break down like this:
- "H" - High risk
- "M" - Moderate risk
- "L" - Low risk
- "N" - Not Reported
So, before you take your kids out trick-or-treating this Halloween, you may want to refer to this website before you head out. It's a good way to stay informed.