Everything Changes. And “This Too Shall Pass”
Here, let me say it one. more. time. WOW, what a year this has been. Pardon my candor, but frankly 2020 has been a JERK. Political turmoil, the ugly manifestations of racism, misunderstandings, storms, oh and...global pandemics. Even the most natural buoyant personalities have been struggling in all of this.
But 2020 can't be solely blamed. There have always been dreadful things happening in the world since humans started rummaging around on this planet. Even in our own lives we experience micro ups and downs, days that feel golden and others that are dark. As Frank Sinatra sang so marvelously: "That's Life." Yep.

But. There have been silver linings a'plenty. We've seen the worst in some people, sure. Yet, this year has also revealed who our true friends are, the things we've taken for granted for so long, and may have opened up new possibilities that we'd never seen before because we were stuck in our ruts.
And whether good or bad, things that happen on this planet don't last forever. The only thing that doesn't change is that things will, in fact, change. Because we know this, you can let go of every circumstance in which you find yourself. You will outlast many of these changes. Seasons comes and go. That doesn't mean things are hard and sometimes scary--a suspicious cat scan, the end of a relationship, a global pandemic, downsizing at your job. Just remember though--
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