Only in Texas — A Chicken Gets an Obituary
Families mourn losses of pets in all different kinds of ways, and that doesn't usually involve taking out an obituary in the local newspaper. But one chicken-loving family in Texas did it, and now they're on to phase two of the story with a musical video tribute to the beloved pet chicken named Big Mama. Aggies are fun!
The Sword family in College Station said their beloved Rhode Island Red Chicken named Big Mama had been slowing down, and one day last week when she was the only chicken that didn't come out of the coop, they knew she was gone.
The family adopted her in 2013 after she started out being raised by others at an apartment in Houston and she was about to be euthanized. Big Mama also escaped the possibility of euthanization in her old age, and the Swords thought a paid obituary would be a way to spread the message that every life is worth saving.
The Eagle newspaper ran the obit, and the story made the rounds on social media last week. And now, the Youtube video! Big Mama has her own special song that might provide a little therapy for anyone who has ever lost a beloved pet chicken. Or for the rest of us who just want to high five a fellow Texan keeping our state um,...unique.
The popular College Station bar called Dixie Chicken has plans to immortalize Mama even more. They're going to frame the obituary and hang it on the wall so Mama will be right there staring back at us as we order up some chicken tenders.
Big Mama is survived by her flock Bubbles, Runt, Ms. S, Funky, Lucky, and Blondie.
And this is one more reason why we love Texans. Even those crazy Aggies.