The Best Quotes For the First Day of School
With the first day of school at the Lufkin ISD last week and other districts starting today and next Monday, we know two things. Pictures of kids with backpacks are taking over your social media pages, and you might hear someone say, "Is it just me, or did mom seem a little too happy about the first day of school?" We have a few other quotes that might make your first day.
We don't have to get serious on the first day, do we? From talking to my girls, it sounds like the first day at elementary school is just that buffer between summer and the second day of school when actual work starts getting done.
On the first day, they get the class rules, they learn where the art and music rooms are, and they learn to navigate the lunch line. And parents learn exactly how much time will be eaten up daily by the drop-off and pick-up lines.
See if some of these quotes describe what you're feeling today. Some of them caught my eye on Pinterest and others I've heard people say. I'm sure you have others!
-- The first day of school is always a fashion show. The rest of the year? A pajama party.
-- Summer: The time of year when every parent realizes just how grossly underpaid teachers are.
-- Teaching: The only profession where you steal things from home and bring them to work.
-- Summer is over. Time to officially remember what day it is.
-- The summer went by so slow. Said no teacher ever.
-- Remember when teachers used to say we wouldn't have a calculator everywhere we go? Well, we showed them.
-- A teacher - It's only day one. Think long and hard before you get out the glitter.
-- Someone just honked to get me to move up in the carpool line. Happy? We moved six inches.
-- Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. The five stages of waking up for school.
-- Remember, you're gonna have to do this again tomorrow.
Moms and Dads, enjoy the return of the routine, and the raise you just got because you're done paying for summer camps and vacations for a while. You made it! And if you're a student, we know it's going to be a great year with good grades, great friends, and comfy clothes starting on day two. Go get it!
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